Change Management Experts

Change management is a key aspect of running any size business in today’s highly fluid market places and with organisations undergoing major change approximately once every three years, having a change management expert to call upon is essential if your business is to reap the maximum benefits of re-organisation.

At Indigo HR Consulting, we are change management experts and have helped many businesses to ensure that organisational change delivers positive results quickly. As an employer, you must be able to introduce change smoothly and effective ‘change management’ is vital to ensure business needs are met both during and after implementation. It is one of the biggest challenges an organisation can face.

Evidence suggests that many change programmes fail and CIPD research has revealed that below 60% of re-organisations delivered their bottom line improvement objectives. Indeed, if not managed carefully by an expert, change management initiatives can result in negative impacts for a business such as operational disruption and poor employee morale. In extreme cases, an organisation could lose key personnel, degrade stakeholder confidence and affect market position.

The key to expert change management is ensuring that changes are communicated effectively with clear objectives. All stakeholders should be engaged and have a clear understanding of what the outcome of the changes will be and a robust timetable of events, whilst sometimes difficult to construct, is a hallmark of expert change management.

As change within an organisation is virtually inevitable if it is to grow and respond to market and competitor pressures, a change management expert is essential if the changes are to be achieved whilst maintaining a “business as usual” environment. At Indigo HR we offer practical solutions to ensure your organisational changes succeed. We can provide change management expertise in:

  • Acquisitions and mergers
  • Communication and facilitation
  • Management coaching
  • Redundancy programmes
  • Project management
  • Training
  • Employee relations

Delivered effectively, organisational changes can be the key to business success, and commercial history is littered with the memories of companies that did not effect change when they should have done. Delivering re-organisation via a change management expert means that the likelihood of success is increased and negative impacts along the way are reduced. Ultimately this means bottom line benefits, which is probably the reason for the change in the first place!

For more information on how the Change Management Experts at Indigo HR can help your business, please contact Louise Farrell on 0845 0039456 or 07949 552403.


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